Дружество „Знание“ за поредна година беше партньор в проект We can do It, финансиран по програма Еразъм +.
Проект, или по-скоро мисия, чрез която немската организация Gesellschaft fuer Europabilding (GEB) за 12-та година предоставя възможност на млади хора с и без увреждания да преоткрият светове заедно, да учат и да се смеят, и проправят пътека за едно по-добро и по-„наше“ общество.
Споделяме с вас какво е да си участник в проекта, чрез очите на лидера на българската група тази година:
„We Can do It Belarus 2018
Onе of the best experiences ever. The project this year took place in Belarus, a beautiful and clean country, where everyone is so smiling, charismatic and very organized. The project is about people with and without disabilities, gathered in one place for the best humanity exchange which teaches us one very important lesson: there are no impossible things in this life and there are no barriers that can not be broken.
Daily activities were prepared in a very good way, we fell in love, we danced, we played, we discussed and we made memories for the rest of the life. The Bulgarian team is very thankful to Дружество „Знание“ – Znanie Association , especially to Vasilena Simova – Bulgarian project coordinator and to @GEB, especially to Iwona von Polentz – a wonderful person with a very big heart who is organizing this project for 13th years, for the possibility to be part of such a great project: for sure we became more tolerant, more informed about the people with disabilities issues, more close to the reality where our friends live and of course with more international friends. Milena Karieva was our participant with disability, which was the flower of the project, every time with a huge smile and in a positive mood. We gave a lot to this project but also made even more contacts all around the world: Romania, Belarus, Russia, Georgia, France, Moldova, Germany, Azerbaijan, Poland and Ukraine.
We will never forget these moments, we will never forget what is to be a person with disability, as we had so many activities where we, the once without disability, tried to do things like a person with disability (imitation).
For all future Erasmus+ participants, we would like to send the next message: Erasmus+ is one of those things that cannot be described – you need to try: once you start you will never stop.
Thanks to European Commission for such a great possibility for young people who are the tomorrow leaders.
See you in the next Erasmus + experience!““